Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Creating Page Layout template

Follow the steps for creating page layout template:

1.       Defining the storefront assets for Commerce Composer layout templates.
2.       Registering a Commerce Composer layout template.
3.       Testing a custom layout template in Management Center.

Defining the storefront assets for Commerce Composer layout templates

1.       Create the container JSP file for your custom layout template: The container JSP file defines the template, which is an empty widget that is divided into configurable slots. The container definition is similar to the definition of a widget, but does not have any functionality or content that is defined for use on the storefront. The container identifies the configurable slots where a widget can be added and marks these slots with the wcpgl:widgetImport tag. Each slot is defined by an internal slot ID, which must be unique within the container. The container JSP file also identifies the environment setup file.

 You can check with the <XYZ>DepartmentPageContainer.jsp

2.      Update the container JSP file for your layout to divide you layout into more rows and columns. Below is the example for  department page:
<!-- BEGIN <XYZ>DepartmentPageContainer.jsp -->

<%@include file="../Common/EnvironmentSetup.jspf"%>
<%@taglib uri="http://commerce.ibm.com/pagelayout" prefix="wcpgl"%>

<div  class="rowContainer" id="container_${pageDesign.layoutID}">
      <div class="row">
      <div class="col12" data-slot-id="1"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="1"/></div>
      <div class="row">
      <div class="col12" data-slot-id="2"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="2"/></div>
      <div class="row">
      <div class="col6 acol12" data-slot-id="3"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="3"/></div>
      <div class="col6 acol12" data-slot-id="4"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="4"/></div>
      <div class="row">
            <div class="col12" data-slot-id="5"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="5"/></div>
      <div class="row">
      <div class="col12" data-slot-id="6"><wcpgl:widgetImport slotId="6"/></div>

<!-- END <XYZ>CategoryPageContainer.jsp -->

3.       Save your container JSP file.

Registering a Commerce Composer layout template

1.       Registering: registerWidgetdef.xml

<Item Delete="0">
Ø  Set a value that for the WidgetDefIdentifier that is unique within the list of all layout template containers and Commerce Composer widgets.
Ø  Set the value of the WidgetVendor column to be your company name.
Ø  Set the WidgetType value to be 2. This column identifies the type of widget that you are registering. A widget can be either a Commerce Composer widget (value of 1), or a layout template container (value of 2).
Ø  Set the value for the WidgetPath to be the relative path to the container JSP file for your layout template. This path is relative from the WCDE_installdir\workspace\Stores\WebContent directory. Use forward slashes in the file path.
Ø  Set the value for the WidgetDefinitionxml to be an empty element.
Ø  Set the value for the WidgetState column to 1 to indicate that the container registration is active.

2.       Subscribe: subscribeWidgetdef.xml

<Item Delete="0">
   <WidgetDefinitionxml />
Ø  Set the value for the WidgetDefIdentifier to be the same value that you set within the registerWidgetDef.xml file.
Ø  Do not set a value for the WidgetDefinitionxml column.
Ø  Set the value for the WidgetState column to 1 to indicate that the store subscription is active.
Ø  You do not need to set the ID value for your store within this file. By default, the Data Load utility subscribes the store that is configured within the Data Load utility environment configuration file to the layout template. You can set a different store to subscribe to the template by updating the environment configuration file.

3.       Template Information: template.xml

<LayoutType Sequence="1.0" Delete="0">
        <LayoutName>XYZ Department Page</LayoutName>
        <Description>Six slot template for department page</Description>
Ø  Set the value of the LayoutName column to be the reference name for the template that you are defining the wireframe for. This value displays in Management Center to identify the template. The value for this column must match the value that you set within the slotDefinition.xml file.
Ø  Set the value for the Description column to be the string of text that you want to display for the layout template within the Commerce Composer tool. This description displays within the New Layout Template Selection window for your custom layout template.
Ø  Set the value for the DeviceClass column to identify the type or types of device classes that users can design a page layout for when they use your custom layout template. You can define a layout template to be used for creating layouts for Web, Mobile, or Any devices.
Ø  Set the value of the State column to be 1 to activate your layout template for use in composing a page layout.
Ø  Set the IsTemplate value to be TRUE. This value indicates that your are loading a layout template.
Ø  Set the IsDefault value to be FALSE. This column value indicates whether you are loading a default layout.
Ø  Set the value of the ParentWidgetDefIdentifier and AdminName columns to be the administrative name for the container in this template. Set this name to be the same as the WidgetDefIdentifier that you set in the registerWidgetDef.csv file.

4.       Defining the slots: slotDefinition.xml

<WidgetSlot Delete="0">
<LayoutName>XYZ Department Page</LayoutName>
Define all the slots for the page as above.
Ø  Set the value of the LayoutName column to be the reference name for the template that you are defining the wireframe for. This value displays in Management Center to identify the template. The value for this column must match the value that you set within the template.xml file.
Ø  Set the value of the AdminName column to be the administrative name for the container in this template. Set this name to be the same as the WidgetDefIdentifier that you set in the registerWidgetDef.xml file.
Ø  Set the value of the SlotAdminName to be the display name for the slot. The value for this column displays in the Commerce Composer tool within the wireframe to identify the slot.
Ø  Set the value of the SlotID column to be the value of the internal slot name.
Ø  Set the SlotType column to be 1. This column is reserved for IBM internal use. The value must be set to 1
Ø  Within the value for the SlotProperty column, define the coordinates for the layout template wireframe and identify and restriction groups for the template. Use the above format.
Ø  For instance to include a restriction group to restrict a slot to use only the widgets that are intended for use as a tabbed slot title, use allowedWidgetGroups:WidgetForTabTitle. For more information about widget restriction groups, see Creating Commerce Composer widget restriction groups.
Ø  To define your wireframe, the maximum width is 166 and the maximum height is 218. Divide your wireframe to include the layout template slots. For tabbed slots append dottedRightBorder:true to the coordinates system to add a dotted line to the column. This dotted line identifies the column as a tabbed slot.
Save and close the file all the XML files.

5.       Configure and run the Data Load utility

Testing a custom layout template in Management Center

Open the CMC and click on commerce composer and right click on the layout, select New Layout. You can see the new layout as below:

Assigning the layout- Under Page Directory

Make an entry in layoutAssignment.xml under page directory as below
<Item Delete="0">
This is used to mention the page group.

Defining the Widget and Layout relationship- Under Layout Directory.

1.       Layout.xml file defines the Layout Type. The name and description will be shown in CMC when you select the layout you need.
<!-- DepartmentPage -->
   <LayoutType Sequence="1.0" Delete="0">
        <TemplateName>XYZ Department Page</TemplateName>
        <Description>The layout for XYZ department page.</Description>

2.       Define the relation between Layout & Widget in layoutWidgetRelationship.xml file as shown:
<Widget Delete="0">
Ø  ChildWidgetDefIdentifier tells you what type of widget you’re using.
Ø  WidgetSequence will be used for ordering the widgets for particular slot. There can any number of widgets for a given slot.
Ø  SlotID defines which slot you’re assigning the widget.

3.       Define the E-Spot in WidgetNVP.xml file as shown:
<WidgetNVP Delete="0">
    <WidgetNVP Delete="0">
    <WidgetNVP Delete="0">
    <WidgetNVP Delete="0">
    <WidgetNVP Delete="0">

Widget Registering- Under Widget Directory

1.       Define your new widget in registerWidgetdef.xml file as shown:
<Item Delete="0">
        <WidgetDisplayName>Heading widget</WidgetDisplayName>
        <WidgetDescription>This widget has the heading</WidgetDescription>
WidgetPath specifies the path of your newly created widget.

2.       Subscribing your Widget: subscribeWidgetdef.xml as shown:
<Item Delete="0">
        <WidgetDefinitionxml />

Configure and Run the Dataload files

Note: Before running the dataload files, please create the e-Spots in the CMC.
Run the dataload files in the below order and re-start the server
1.     c:\IBM\WC70\bin>dataload.bat c:\IBM\WC70\workspace\Dataload\XYZCommerceComposer\widget\wc-dataload-widget.xml
2.     c:\IBM\WC70\bin>dataload.bat c:\IBM\WC70\workspace\Dataload\XYCommerceComposer\template\wc-dataload-template.xml
3.     c:\IBM\WC70\bin>dataload.bat c:\IBM\WC70\workspace\Dataload\XYZCommerceComposer\layout\wc-dataload-layout.xml
4.     c:\IBM\WC70\bin>dataload.bat c:\IBM\WC70\workspace\Dataload\XYZCommerceComposer\page\wc-dataload-page.xml